There will be 41 presentations including one-hour continuing education for Professional Geoscientists (PG) at the Ninth Annual Groundwater and Water Resources Symposia on April 16 in Dalton Woods Auditorium of the Energy Coast & Environment Building at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Registration begins at 8 a.m., talks begin at 8:45. Please read the latest schedule for the Symposia.
April 16, 2015: Symposia day
Registration: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Symposia Location: Dalton Woods Auditorium, Energy, Coast & Environmental Building, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Registration is free for speakers.
For those who will drive to the LSU Energy, Coast & Environmental Building, you will obtain a parking permit for free. However, you have to email Doug Carlson ( by April 12 (this Sunday) to reserve a parking permit for you. If you have sent out the parking fee $5 to Doug, you will be refunded during the symposia day.
We will have a short break for lunch time. There will be sandwich lunch boxes to purchase at $10 for each. The sandwich choices are Chicken, Turkey, and Ham plus one bag of chips. You are encouraged to pay for a lunch box in advance along with your registration. If you plan to purchase a lunch box on site, you will need to email Doug Carlson ( by April 12 (this Sunday) to reserve a lunch box for you.
Thank you for your contribution.
Douglas Carlson (, Louisiana Geological Survey
Frank Tsai (, LSU Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
For more information send an e-mail to or visit the Baton Rouge Geological Society Website.
Register by April 1 to receive a discount on the registration fee. Registration form