The Shreveport Geological Society offers scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study in geology-related programs to encourage innovation in the field and help you reach your dreams. All application materials, including letters of recommendation, must be submitted online by March 28, 2025.
Go to, click on COMMUNITY, then choose SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES from the drop down menu. This will bring you to the Scholarship page where students can review all scholarships and the criteria, then, click on SCHOLARSHIP PORTAL to create an online account, then choose the scholarship(s) to apply.
Please read the information below before submitting an application.
(1) Each applicant must be enrolled in, or about to enroll in, an accredited educational institution which has a physical campus and which has a department, course of study, program, or major in the field of geology.
(2) Each applicant shall demonstrate an interest in pursuing a course of educational study in geology.
(3) Each applicant must exhibit some need for financial assistance in order to enable him or her to complete his course of geological studies. The selection of recipients shall be made on an objective and non-discriminatory basis, based upon standards set forth below, regardless of race, creed, color, age, religion or sex of the applicant. Submission of a confidential application shall be required, in a form to be prepared by the Selection Committee. No scholarship shall be made to a person, if as a result therof, an officer or member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation or the Selection Committee shall derive a private benefit, either directly or indirectly, there from.
(4) Each applicant must show sufficient academic ability to enable him or her to complete courses of study necessary to graduate from the educational institution chosen by him or her, and which has or will admit such applicant as a student.
(5) Each applicant shall have such character and desire to obtain an education that he or she may be expected to work hard and seriously to continue and complete his or her education.
(6) Applicants will be selected on the basis of one or more of the above criteria. Determination of financial need will be based upon all pertinent factors with respect to the applicant's ability to complete his or her higher education without assistance. Determinations with respect to academic ability and character shall be based upon such facts as are deemed pertinent and may include scholastic transcripts of applicants and recommendations of applicants' high school college advisor and/or faculty advisor.
(7) Special consideration will be given to renewal scholarships previously granted to worthy students to enable them to continue or complete their education.
(8) The Selection Committee shall review each scholarship recipient's academic standing and financial need for further assistance at the end of each academic year and report to the Board of Directors of the Community Foundation. If continued need for assistance is demonstrated, then the scholarship recipient may be considered for a renewed scholarship to enable the student to continue his or her education.
(9) The Selection Committee will only consider Applicants, if he or she will be at least at an undergraduate junior level in their course work during the school year for which they are applying. Each applicant must have a minimum of eight hours of geology classes and be a full time student pursing a degree in geology.