GCAGS-GCSSEPM 2017 Convention
San Antonio, Texas
November 1 - 3
Hosted by the South Texas Geological Society
Marriott Rivercenter Hotel
Deep Water Symposium
Basin Evolution and Drivers of Deep Water Sedimentation
Reservoir Architecture and Reservoir Quality from Outcrops to Producing Fields
Innovative Methods and Techniques
Petroleum Systems
Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Formations
Resource Play Evaluation - Eagle Ford
Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoirs: Austin Chalk,
Edwards, Buda and Georgetown
Gulf Coast Fields and Reservoirs
Jurassic Gulf Coast Fields and Reservoirs
Water Resources and Gulf Coast Sedimentology
Water Resource Protection
Gulf Coast Sedimentology
Reservoirs and Field Analogs
Gulf Coast Fields and Analogs from Other Plays
Workflow in Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs
Geophysical, Classification and Management Processes for the Geologist
See www.gcags2017.org for the full schedule
and titles of oral and poster presentations.
3D Seismic Attributes for Prospect Identification
and Reservoir Characterization
In this 2-day short course, you will gain an intuitive understanding of the kinds of seismic features that can be identified by 3D seismic attributes, the sensitivity of seismic attributes to seismic acquisition and processing, and how ‘independent’ seismic attributes can be coupled through geology. Instructor Kurt Marfurt: Tues.-Wed., Oct. 31-Nov. 1
Integrated Exploration Methods for Clastic Depositional Systems
This 2-day course is designed to provide participants with a modern appreciation of the full spectrum of deep-water depositional systems and their petroleum reservoirs in the context of oil and gas exploration and appraisal. The course examines sediment transport and deposition, stratigraphic architecture, and predictive reservoir characteristics in a variety of basins using hands-on lectures, core-log-seismic exercises, and collaborative discussions.
Instructor Jon Rotzien: Tues.-Wed., Oct. 31-Nov. 1
Log Analysis for Unconventional Reservoirs
This is a 1-day short course on log analysis of unconventional reservoirs. It will cover basic characteristics and mineralogy of unconventional reservoirs; estimation of Total Organic Carbon (TOC wt.%) from well logs; log analysis of organic rich, gas-bearing and oil-bearing mudstones using both conventional logs and newer advanced logging technologies including geomechanical properties, NMR and dielectric logs. Instructor George Asquith: Wed., Nov. 1
Introduction to Seismic Interpretation: STUDENTS ONLY
This is a 2-day short course that introduces participants to seismic interpretation as applied in the petroleum industry. Lectures, hands-on exercises and discussions focus on the tools and concepts used by interpreters to derive structural and stratigraphic information from 2D and 3D seismic data. Topics include the principles of the seismic method, data acquisition and processing, interpretation tools and workflows, and how all of these factors affect structural and stratigraphic interpretations. Instructors Carl Fiduk & Bruce Hart: Sat.-Sun., Nov. 4-5
Ethics for Geologists (Includes Breakfast)
This is a 1-hour collaborative/interactive lecture to satisfy the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists ethics credit requirement. Participants must bring a text capable phone to interactively participate in the lecture. Instructor John Jordan: Fri., Nov. 3
A Recruiter’s Insights to Resumes and Interviews
This is a 1/2-day short course for students and professional geoscientists looking for a job in the petroleum industry. The course covers choosing a major to a graduate school, identifying job opportunities of interest, writing a resume, and interviewing. Topics include, what should and shouldn’t be in your resume, what to do and what not to do in an interview from a straightforward practical perspective, and provides attendees with several insights to what employers and recruiters are looking for. Although the course is designed for folks looking towards a geoscience career in industry, simple pointers that anyone can use for nearly any job are offered. Instructor David Weinburg: Fri., Nov. 3
South Texas Geological Society Golf Tournament
Wed., Nov. 1
All Convention Luncheon: Speaker, Dr. William Fisher
Thurs., Nov. 2
Geo-Oktoberfest at Beethoven Maennerchor und Garten
Thurs., Nov. 2
Women in Geosciences Breakfast: Speaker, Kimberly Corley
Fri., Nov. 3
GCSSEPM Luncheon: Speaker, Dr. Maria Mutti
Fri., Nov. 3
AAPG DPA Luncheon: Speaker, Dr. Thomas Ewing
Fri., Nov. 3
Two Spouse and Guest Tours of San Antonio
Thurs., Nov. 2 & Fri., Nov. 3
Convention Icebreaker
Wed., Nov. 1
Canyon Lake Gorge: Cretaceous Glen Rose
(Wed., Nov. 1)
The “Canyon Lake Gorge” Field Trip will provide access to excellent exposures of the Cretaceous Glen Rose Formation at the recently (2002) exposed area below the Spillway at Canyon Lake. It will feature the Stratigraphic, Structural, and Aquifer Characteristics of this exposure. Trip Leader: Lyle Baie, David Ferrill & Tom Fett
Upper Cretaceous Sands of the Eagle Pass Area
(Fri.-Sat., Nov. 3 & 4)
The “Upper Cretaceous Sands of the Eagle Pass Area” Field Trip will provide a detailed look at the Upper Cretaceous Sands, including the Escondido, Olmos and San Miguel. Along the way we will look at the Austin Chalk and the Anacacho Lime, as well as Igneous (“Serpentine”) Intrusions in the area. Trip Leader: Dr. Thomas Ewing & Tom Fett
Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale in San Antonio
(Sat., Nov. 4)
The “Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale in San Antonio” Field Trip will provide a good look at the full Austin Chalk section in the San Antonio area, with several newly examined outcrops. It will include nicely exposed underlying Austin Chalk contacts with the Eagle Ford Shale and an overlying contact with the Taylor Formation. The trip will see nearly 500’ of beautifully exposed, easily accessible Buda Lime / Eagle Ford Shale / Austin Chalk. Trip Leader: John Cooper
For further information: Contact Tom Fett at MedinaLake@msn.com or at 210 289-7128.
$325 GCAGS/GCSSEPM Professional Early Bird (By Sept. 29)
$375 Non-Member Professional Early Bird (By Sept. 29)
$400 GCAGS/GCSSEPM Professional On-Site (After Sept. 29)
$450 Non-Member Professional On-Site (After Sept. 29)
$45 Student (Id Required On-Site)
$45 Student Volunteer (Free Once Approved As Volunteer)
$80 Spouse / Guest
$90 Exhibit Hall Pass or Exhibit Booth Worker
$75 Icebreaker Only