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Monthly Meeting - "Is It the Rock or the Frac?" presented by Greg Salter

Where: Zoom
Cost: $10
If you’d like to attend virtually, please pay with a credit card below and use the email address where you would like Zoom login details sent.

Zoom Meeting

Where: The Petroleum Club of Shreveport, 15th floor
Cost: $20, Children 10 and under $8
If you’d like a seat, kindly use the form below to make your reservation by the preceding Friday.

We encourage members to invite guests, spouses, and friends to any of our meetings.


Greg Salter

Greg Salter has been employed by Core Laboratories for over 40 years serving in a number of different capacities and geographic areas. Over 20 years of this service was in the Petroleum Services Division either working in, or directing, laboratory operations including approximately 10 years of international service. He is currently serving as Vice-President of the Integrated Reservoir Solutions Division of Core Laboratories where he is responsible for project management and technical review of all data and resulting interpretations utilized in the various Joint Industry Projects offered by the company. He has most recently focused on the development of core analysis technologies for shales and mudstones and their application and holds a BS in Mathematics from the University of Houston (1985).


When well production is less than expected, often a debate ensues as to the reasons and tends to focus on reservoir quality (Is it the Rock?) or on how the well was stimulated and produced (Is it the Frac?).  The geologist, drilling engineer, petrophysicist, and completion engineer often differ in their explanation for the reduced well performance.  In other cases, nearby wells may perform differently with little obvious reason for the production differences.  This presentation will outline a methodology to identify the likely source of unexpected well performance through a number of case history examples that emphasizes the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to address these complex reservoir challenges.