President's Letter - Cody Lenert - April 2020
/Cody Lenert
SGS 2019-2020 President
WOW, I really do not know where to start. The world has changed dramatically in the last 2 weeks and it seems to have affected all in some way. The last time oil prices dipped this low was in 1998-99 which is the year I graduated from college but by the beginning of 2000 they had risen to over $40 per bbl. There are plenty of negatives to focus on at this time, but I was sent an email today with lots of positives, some of which are below:
Spread the Good News!
China closed down its last COVID19 hospital. Not enough new cases
Indian doctors successful in treating COVID19. Combination of drugs used: Lopinavir, Retonovir, Oseltamivir along with Chlorphenamine
Researchers of the Erasmus Medical Center claim to have found an antibody against coronavirus
A 103-year-old Chinese Wuhan grandmother has made a full recovery from COVID-19
Apple reopens all 42 china stores
Cleveland Clinic develops COVID-19 test that gives results in hours
Good news from South Korea, where the number of new cases is declining
Italy has the oldest population in Europe, thus the hardest hit
Scientists in Israel likely to announce the development of a coronavirus vaccine
3 Maryland coronavirus patients fully recovered
A network of Canadian scientists are making excellent progress in Covid-19 research
A San Diego biotech company is developing a Covid-19 vaccine
All 7 patients who were getting treated for COVID – 19 at Safdarjung hospital in New Delhi have recovered
Plasma from newly recovered patients from COVID -19 can treat others infected by Covid-19
The Wine dinner April 17th has been rescheduled to November 20. The Continuing Ed class and Spring Fling dates are still a go at this time but could be postponed so please check your email for updates.
I present to you the following 3 members nominated to serve on the board for a 3 year term starting July 1, 2020:
Travis Harrell – Stroud Exploration Co.
Michael Danos – Toledo Mudlogging, Inc.
Bezany Branton – Jones Environmental
Until we meet again, stay safe and stay well!