President's Letter - Cody Lenert - May 2020
/Cody Lenert
SGS 2019-2020 President
Social Distancing! Yes, I am tired of hearing the term as well and hope that change is coming soon. I have been home for almost a month now as I am sure most of you have been as well. I am very encouraged that the number of COVID-19 cases in the area have plateaued and hospitalizations have been decreasing. The unknown part now is when and how to restart our economy, especially the oil and gas sector. In the beginning, most people I spoke to said how they had been through a downturn and low oil prices in past years and we would get through this eventually, but I do not think anyone saw oil prices going to negative $37! I sure hope that we never see those types of numbers again.
The board conducted the April regular scheduled board meeting a couple of weeks ago via conference call which I think was a first. It was BYOL, Bring Your Own Lunch. We discussed doing a Zoom meeting, but no one wanted to look at each other while they were eating! A big thanks goes to Annie Green for setting everything up.
Alan Schlichtemier reported that there were 10 successful applicants for SGS Scholarships and has sent those recommendations to the Community Foundation. The schools and degrees are as follows:
LSU- 5 students
ULL – 1 student
Arkansas – 2
Mississippi- 1
SFA – 1
7 Bachelor of Science
2 PhDs
1 Masters of Science.
We still have not made a final decision on whether we will meet for our May meeting, but with the Governor announcing today that the stay at home order has been extended to May 15 it may be difficult. This will be my last newsletter, as I will hand off presidential duties to Matthew Chumley on June 30. I would like to thank the board members who served along with me and say it was a privilege to serve the society.